What is Travel Consent Letter? Canada

When planning an exciting international trip with children, there’s one crucial document that often gets overlooked: the travel consent letter. This seemingly simple piece of paper can make the difference between a smooth journey and a stressful ordeal at the border. But what exactly is a travel consent letter, and why is it so important?

In Ontario, if you’re planning a trip with a child who is under the age of 18 and they’re not accompanied by both parents, it’s important to have a travel consent letter. The travel consent letter is a legal document that confirms that one parent or guardian has authorized another person to travel with their child. This document serves as a vital safeguard for children traveling internationally, especially when they’re not accompanied by both parents or legal guardians.

Purpose and Importance of a Travel Consent Letter

The primary purpose of a travel consent letter is to protect the child and ensure that everyone involved in the trip is aware of the arrangements and has consented to them. In an age where child trafficking and abduction are serious concerns, border officials are increasingly vigilant about children crossing international boundaries. A properly prepared travel consent letter helps alleviate these concerns and facilitates smoother border crossings.

Moreover, many countries have implemented strict entry requirements for minors traveling without both parents. Without a travel consent letter, you might face delays, additional questioning, or even be denied entry at your destination. Therefore, this document isn’t just a formality – it’s a crucial part of your travel preparation.

Key Components of a Travel Consent Letter

A comprehensive travel consent letter should include several key pieces of information:

  1. Child’s Information: Full name, date of birth, place of birth, and passport details.
  2. Accompanying Adult’s Details: Full name and relationship to the child.
  3. Trip Details: Destination, travel dates, and duration of the trip.
  4. Parent/Guardian Contact Information: Full names, addresses, and phone numbers of both parents or legal guardians.
  5. Signatures: The letter should be signed and dated by the parent or guardian who is authorizing the travel.

It’s important to note that some countries may require additional documentation, such as a visa or proof of custody, so it’s always a good idea to research the specific requirements of the destination before you travel.

Legal Considerations

While travel consent letters are crucial for international travel, the specific requirements can vary depending on your location and destination. In Ontario, for instance, while not legally required for all trips, a travel consent letter is strongly recommended, especially for international travel.

For international travel, requirements can be even more stringent. Some countries may require the letter to be notarized or signed in the presence of a witness to ensure the document is legally binding. Always check the entry requirements of your destination country well in advance of your trip.

Joint Custody Considerations

For parents who have joint custody, it’s important to have a written agreement that outlines the terms of the custody arrangement. This agreement should also include information about travel arrangements, including who is responsible for arranging travel and how the costs will be split.

When traveling with a child under joint custody, both parents typically need to provide consent. If one parent refuses to give consent, you may need to seek a court order to proceed with the trip.

Creating a Valid Travel Consent Letter

To create a valid travel consent letter:

  1. Obtain proper signatures from the consenting parent(s) or guardian(s).
  2. Consider having the letter notarized. While not always required, notarization adds an extra layer of authenticity.
  3. If not notarized, have the letter signed in the presence of a witness.

Remember, the more official your letter appears, the less likely you are to face issues at border control.

Tips for Smooth Travel with a Consent Letter

To ensure your travel goes as smoothly as possible:

  1. Research the specific requirements of your destination country. Some may have their own consent letter formats or additional requirements.
  2. Carry multiple copies of the letter. Keep one with you, one with the child (if old enough), and leave one with a trusted contact at home.
  3. Have emergency contact information readily available, including contact details for the non-traveling parent.
  4. If possible, have the non-traveling parent easily reachable during your trip in case verification is needed.


In conclusion, when traveling with a child, it’s important to have a travel consent letter in order to protect the child and ensure that everyone involved in the trip is aware of the arrangements. The letter should include specific information and be signed and dated by the parent or guardian who is authorizing the travel.

While preparing a travel consent letter might seem like an extra hassle in your travel planning, it’s a crucial step that can save you from potential legal complications and ensure a smoother journey. With a little bit of planning and preparation, you can ensure that your trip goes smoothly and create wonderful memories with the children in your care.

Remember, the key to stress-free travel with minors is preparation. By understanding and complying with travel consent letter requirements, you’re not just following the law – you’re prioritizing the safety and well-being of the children traveling with you. Safe travels!

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